The Next Great Adventure

People say that time goes by; time says that the people go by.

Vietnamese proverb

Living life and expecting death

Life as we know it exists between two predefined points: birth and death. We spend a lot of our time around the concept of birth. In fact, we even have a dedicated day to remember and celebrate it every year. The recognition of death as part of life, on the other hand, is something we rarely come across. We spend every day not thinking about it — we actively avoid thinking about it. It is quite natural to live that way. However, two things changed that for me over the last many months.

Continue reading The Next Great Adventure

Be Positive

Day 2:
Theme: Gift,
Style: Acrostic,
Device: Simile

Because it is the only way possible to survive
Each thought of mine is devoted to her to revive.

Passing on the fluid of life from my body to hers
Occasionally stopping, to check if she is better or worse.
She’s my only love, just as each day has only one night.
I want us together like the two eyes that share the same sight
To make sure we are bonded without separation
I give her the gift of life, without any deliberation.
Venting out my blood to her to save her during her complication
Every last bit of my B positive blood is ready for the donation.