W101.V2. Day 4. Alone In A Crowd

He had lived his life, fully planned.

Every day, he knew where he wanted to go as if his whole life could have been mapped out. He knew, what to do, how to do it – or otherwise, how to get it done. He was perfect, immaculate and a flawless gentleman. He was there for everybody, and that was the problem.

Continue reading W101.V2. Day 4. Alone In A Crowd

Day 18: Best Served Cold

Today’s prompt: write this story(the first paragraph is already provided) in first person, told by the twelve-year-old sitting on the stoop across the street.

Today’s twist: Build this twelve-year-old as a character.

The neighbourhood has seen better days for Mrs. Pauley has lived there since before anyone remembered. She raised a family of six boys, who’d all grown up and moved away. Mr. Pauley had passed away three months ago. With no source of income, she fell back on her rent. The landlord, accompanied by the police came to evict Mrs. Pauley from the house she’s lived in for forty years.

Or so they say. It could even be more. I never knew them personally, save two reasons. My dad used to work with Mr. Pauley. And I used to live with them.

Continue reading Day 18: Best Served Cold